Return And Refund Policy
  • Returns Policy

Return And Refund Policy

Returns Policy

Dear buyers, please read the policy, conditions and process carefully as they will give you important information and guidelines about your rights and obligations as our customer, concerning any purchase you make through us unless specifically stated otherwise on our product pages or readers offer advertisements. We make every effort to service the order/s placed with us as per the specifications and timelines mentioned against each product. If due to any reason, unavoidable circumstances or beyond the limitations of the merchants the order is not shipped by the seller then the order shall be cancelled and refunded. In the event the order/product is delivered and has been cancelled for refund due to product fault, delivery of wrong product, partial product, etc the refund is processed.

The order may be cancelled before shipment due to any of the following reasons
the specific product/model is out of stock.
The order could not be shipped within the specified timeline.
On customers request
the shipping address is not serviceable.
Any other reason beyond the control of merchants or TECH GURU.
The orders may be cancelled post shipment and delivery due to any of the following reasons
established defect in the product which the seller is not able to either replace or repair.
Correct product could not be delivered.
Shipping address found to be untraceable, wrong, incomplete, locked and customer not available.
Customer refused to take the delivery, refund would not be applicable.
Products damaged during transit and delivery not accepted.
Caution: please do not accept delivery of any item whose packaging is damaged or tampered with in any manner.


Ensure that the product is in seller warranty.
Cancellation and refund requests for products shall not be eligible under manufacturer warranty.
The refund shall be processed only after the product is shipped back and received by merchant.
Need to attach a note along with the product returned for refund. The note should clearly state your name and address, contact number, and order number. Describe the problem in your own words. Without your order details processing refund / replacement would not be possible.
The return courier awb/tracking number not intimated to TECH GURU customer support team is not eligible for refund
the order returned must accompany all the accessories (including freebies) which were serviced along with the order else the cost of the accessories shall be recovered from the refund amount.
Any charges levied as tax is not eligible for refund.

After Delivered

The material to customer & he is asking to cancel the order and wants refund if it includes customer's fault, as he is responsible for the order cancellation. Then 5% and courier charges will be deducted from the refunding amount.

We will make full refund only when there is defect in the product, correct product could not be delivered, products damaged during transit


Damaged product

Deficient on arrival (doa)

Free replacement within 5 days

After receiving the product to customer, if the product got defective or damage, customer wants replacement then customer has to bear sending shipping charges from their place to TECH GURU STORE's office.


In case of shipped orders, the returns policy will apply

Customer no longer need the product

Refund with 5% cancellation charges for cancellation requests sent within 5 days for unopened* products only Opened products cannot be returned

If customer request to cancel the order or theirs and mistake from customer's behalf while ordering and customer asks for refund, then 5% charges will be deducted from refunding amount. If TECH GURU STORE would not be able to dispatch the product within 15 days and in near future if customer asks for refund, TECH GURU STORE provide full amount of refund.


Wrong shipment by TECH GURU IT SOLUTIONS

Free replacement within 5 days

Incorrect order placed by customer

Free replacement within 5 days for unopened* products

Opened products cannot be returned

Customer needs an alternate product

Free replacement within 5 days for unopened* products

Difference in amount of product will either be refunded to you or will be collected from you before shipping the alternate product

Refund Policy

Please connect with our customer care via email or call.
The customer care team will validate the request by checking the timelines, product type, and warranty terms, etc and shall take the request for refund or exchange
ensure to collect the return address from TECH GURU IT SOLUTIONS customer care.
Pack the product properly and label the product with the order number, return address and your address. Follow the instructions of customer care carefully for packaging and returning the product using courier services. Ensure that the awb / tracking number is shared with TECH GURU customer care.
The order shall be considered for refund only if we receive the product in undamaged condition [there should be no scratches, no dents etc.]
Caution: please ensure to pack the product properly before handling it over to courier.

[if customer cancelled the order (wrong order, by mistakenly order, want to cancel order, customer's fault) and he is responsible for that order then 5% of that amount will be deducted while refunding.]


A refund can be refused if the following conditions are met.
The product is completely broken and unusable or with scratches or incomplete as per the seller claims from the customer. The product is returned beyond the required return date or you have not informed us about the concern during the warranty period.
The order returned does not accompany all the accessories (including freebies) which were serviced along with the order.

Please Note

On cancellation of an order, you are entitled to receive refund based on pay mode mentioned in refund timelines. TECH GURU IT SOLUTIONS is not liable to pay any penalty or compensation to the customer for cancellation of any order, for reason mentioned above.

Credit Card, Net Banking, Debit Card = 7 to 15 Days

We will process the refund after receipt of the product.
Refund will be processed based on the mode of payment of the order refund processed through credit card / debit card will reflect in the next credit card/ bank statement.
Refund draft will be issued in the billing name unless otherwise advised by customers.
In case the refund dd is lost by customer, dd will be reissued in15 days on the receipt of affidavit. In case of incorrect name on the refund dd, a new dd will be reissued in 15 days on the receipt of original dd from the customer.

If your refund doesn't appear in your account, and the processing time for your payment method has passed, contact customer care for further assistance.

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